Monday, October 12, 2009

Well last week was pretty...eventful.On Monday (I think)I broke the handle off my car door because it was frozen. My dad. my neighbor and my uncle had to fix it, my other handle was already broken so they had to stick something in it to open it. Thursday I made a down payment for my graduation stuff (Scary). On Friday we got out of school three hours early for parent teacher conferences. Also on Friday we (Century Singers) sang at the PAC. Then Steph and I spent the night at Aizas house, that was crazy, there had to have been something in the caprisun...("He's wearing long socks, with shorts!" Followed by lots of laughing). Then Saturday Morning at 8AM we had to be back at the PAC for all day rehearsal which consisted of lots of singing, eating PB&J, ripping my brand new jeans("The sad thing is I don't know how long it's been like that!"), eating yummy pizza, singing some more,puking, puking more and then ended with sleeping on the couch in the living room. Sunday we had Stake Conference, it was really good, and the Priesthood choir made it even better :) . Today at school I locked my key in my car...again. Aiza, Lacey, Brock, and I all tried to get it unlocked with a coat hanger but we failed and got frozen in the process. We finally got it open though with a flat head screwdriver and a yardstick (Dylans idea). So pretty eventful... :). Well thats all for now, my tummy is telling me it wants food and I don't want to get sick again, Bye!

1 comment:

Suzie-Q said...

First of all Why didn't you tell me you had a blog????!!!???
Blogs are very cool and now we need to pep yours up a bit!
We should try to do this together I know a few tricks that you might like.
I can't believe that your birthday is tomorrow! How old are you going to be again? ten?
I have lost track of time and don't have a clue as to where it went.
Hope that you have a great day tomorrow and get some pic' of those fun pumpkins up!

Love you!